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About Us

We enjoy gardening!! The joy of raising most of the food for our own table from our large garden was part of the motivation for the Mosier family to start Miracle Strawberry Farm. It is fun to watch what God can do with sun, water, seed and soil! We are very particular about what we eat and want to be just as particular with the food we grow for you! Our produce is as naturally grown as we are able to produce healthy, delicious strawberries for your enjoyment! Unlike most growers, we do not spray our strawberry fields with herbicides

Thanks for trusting us with your food purchase. We will honor that trust. 

April 15, 2020 was the 12th anniversary of our airplane crash in Democratic Republic of Congo. Although 47 people died in the airplane crash that day, God miraculously spared the lives of both Barry and Marybeth, as well as their two youngest children, April and Andrew. We were serving as volunteer missionaries in Africa (11 years total) at the time and felt God spared us because He still wanted us to serve Him on this earth. Part of that service will be raising healthy food for you to eat. Come experience the miracle!!

Barry and Marybeth Mosier and family

507-884-7247 or 7246


Faith, Family and Farm. These are the things we stand for. This is a picture of our family team that helps on the farm. It is so great to have Keith and his family back after serving 12 years in Africa as missionaries. He is directing people into the field so when you come you probably can hear some of the stories!