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Farm Updates

Thursday, June 27 update

Barry Mosier

Today we are open from 8 AM to 7 PM for picking or for pre-picked berries. After a day off for ripening there should be plenty to pick today. The morning looks better with a greater chance of rain this afternoon. We plan to open our kasson stand today on Mantorville Avenue in front of the lumberyard. The size and taste of the strawberries this year is exceptional. Don’t miss your chance to stock up we should be at the peak of production over the next few days.

Wednesday June 26 Update

Barry Mosier

Today, we are closed for picking to give the field one extra day for ripening. No stands, no prepicked berries. Yesterday on opening day, large berries poured out of the field all day, but the cold spring is still affecting us. We haven’t even started to pick half of the field and the other half needs a rest day to finish ripening. However, starting on Thurs we will be back to regular hours and hope to open our stands. The glowing testimonies from our customers is that the large size and taste of the berries this year is exceptional! Best in years. After today, with these warmer temps, we should have unlimited picking til the end of the season and the field is loaded with berries! So plan to stock up! See you Thursday on the farm! Barry & Marybeth

Tuesday June 25 Update

Barry Mosier

Finally! Opening day for Strawberry season has arrived after a cold winter and long cold spring! Welcome to the farm! However, even though it’s warm and sunny today, the berries are still ripening after a long cool spring. If you come to pick your own, you will thrill to find big beautiful ripe king berries, but the ripe ones are not yet thick in the field yet. If you are planning on large quantity picking, you will be happier if you wait a few days. They will ripen quickly now that we are in the 80’s. Our fields should be in peak production near the end of this week. No stands are open today.

Monday, June 24 update

Barry Mosier

We picked about 250 pounds of big king berries this morning and they are available for sale on the farm today while they last. Otherwise, we still plan to open officially on Tuesday. See you soon on the farm! 60687 205 Ave Dodge Center.

Sunday June 23 Update. To open June 25!!

Barry Mosier

We will open for Upick and Prepicked Strawberries on Tuesday, June 25. Our latest opening ever, but it is also the best crop in years! Rather than open on a cold, wet Monday, we decided to delay until a sunny warm Tuesday!!! We will also plan to open our Kasson stand that day also. We feel so blessed that the big hail storm of two weeks ago missed our farm by 1/2 mile. The warm temperatures that are coming will ripen the fields more quickly and thus we expect about a 2 1/2 week season which would end approximately July 12. We should be at peak production by late this week so come and stock up your freezer! See you on the farm! Barry & Marybeth