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Farm Updates

Tomatoes for Sale

Barry Mosier

It’s the middle of the tomato season here at Miracle Strawberry Farm. We have about 200 pounds of tomatoes looking for a home!! We have bushels available to be picked up today. The cost is $2 a pound, $40 for a half bushel, and $78 for a bushel. 

We also have straw for sale at 4.50 per bale. They’re perfect for fall decor or covering your garden for winter.

To order call (507) 884-7247

Thank you for supporting a local farmer. 


Barry Mosier


Today was our our last day of the 2021 strawberry season. It is incredible that the season only lasted 1 week! However, the late frost and the tremendous heat were disastrous for strawberry growers. Many did not even open for picking. We are thankful that we at least had a crop to pick.

For those of you who have come to pick we thank you for your patience with our field in a difficult year. For those who missed out, next year should be much better. Our new planting of 1.5 acres this year looks as good as any planting we have ever had and they will bear for the first time next spring!!! We are making plans that should improve our fields in the future.

Thank you so much for your business in asparagus and strawberries this year! We have such wonderful customers!!!

I just want to add in closing that so many strange things are happening around us that it is a good time to study our Bibles and pray in anticipation of soon return of Jesus. Maybe we will be picking fruit in Heaven before long!

Blessings to each of you,

Barry & Marybeth Mosier

Last call!

Barry Mosier

Last call for strawberries!! We will be open until the 7 PM tonight (Wednesday) for U-Pick. After that we close for the season.

There are still a few pockets of nice berries left if you want to come and pick this evening.

Pre-picked berries are sold out for the season.

Wednesday schedule

Barry Mosier

We will be opening for U-Pick at 7am on Wednesday and be open until we are picked out!

We will also have a limited supply of pre-picked strawberries. Please call (507) 884-7246 AFTER 8am Wednesday to make a reservation. Limit: 2 flats per person.