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Farm Updates

Sunday update

Barry Mosier

Our last post is accurate with more detail. However, we wanted add that as we scouted the field this morning after a day of ripening, we are amazed at the quantity of ripe berries! The field is still loaded with berries to pick and many are still very good sized!! This will be a very good picking day. Due to the warm temps, we will open the field to anyone at 7am this morning for those who want to beat the heat. (Seniors can pick in a separate area if they choose). Families have been making great memories in the field and we can’t remember a time when the berries tasted any sweeter than now! We will give a new update tomorrow. No Kasson stand today. Prepicked berries on the farm-call 507-951-9308. See you on the farm!

Barry & Marybeth Mosier