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Farm Updates

Tomatoes for sale!

Barry Mosier

Many people ask us if we sell other things on the farm after strawberry and asparagus ends. Well, this year we do. TOMATOES!

Our schedule for those interested will be: Call 507-884-7247 Monday or Thursday between 8:30 am and 10:00 am to order your tomatoes. We will pick early on those days to know how much we have to sell that day. So the sooner you call after 8:30 the better will be your chance to get tomatoes.

The price is $2.50 per pound and people will need to come to the farm to get them. 60687 205 Ave Dodge Center, MN.

We will plan on people picking up their tomatoes the same morning that they call unless other arrangements are made.

Thank you for supporting your local farmers!