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Farm Updates

June 14 + 15, 2021 Update

Barry Mosier

Strawberry Update: Monday + Tuesday (June 14 and 15)

We will be opening for U-Pick berries at 7am until we are picked out. This will be a very short strawberry season so plan to come soon if you want berries!! Always check our website or social media before you leave home to be sure we haven’t sold out!

Pre-picked strawberries will be available on the farm starting Monday (June 14)! To guarantee your order please call 507-884-7246. There is a limit of 3 flats per customer with pre-picked berries (no limit if you pick your own!). 

Due to the hot weather we will not have a stand in Kasson or Owatonna this year. 

Thank you for your support. See you on the farm soon!