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Farm Updates

Strawberries Coming Soon!

Barry Mosier

Strawberry season is almost here! Here are some important things you need to know:

  • Call (507-884-7246) or check our Facebook page before you leave home. It is likely this will be a short strawberry season with shorter picking days due to the intense heat. We don’t want you to leave home before checking to be sure there are strawberries available that day/time.

  • Gather your kids or friends. You might want to bring sunscreen or a big hat and water.

  • Make summer memories that will last a lifetime.

We could open as early as Friday or possibly Sunday. We will post updates to our website and social media as soon as we have a solid opening date.

We thank the Lord that our fields look picture perfect this year for picking. Lots of straw between the rows and the fields are quite weed free and full of ripening strawberries.

Barry and Marybeth