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Farm Updates

Barry Mosier

Miracle Strawberry Farm will be closed from July 18 - July 26. We will be opening for tomato sales again on Monday, July 27, 2020.

If you would like to order Call 507-884-7247 Monday (27th) or Thursday (30th) to order your tomatoes.

The price is $2.50 per pound and people will need to come to the farm to get them. 60687 205 Ave Dodge Center, MN.

Tomatoes for sale!

Barry Mosier

Many people ask us if we sell other things on the farm after strawberry and asparagus ends. Well, this year we do. TOMATOES!

Our schedule for those interested will be: Call 507-884-7247 Monday or Thursday between 8:30 am and 10:00 am to order your tomatoes. We will pick early on those days to know how much we have to sell that day. So the sooner you call after 8:30 the better will be your chance to get tomatoes.

The price is $2.50 per pound and people will need to come to the farm to get them. 60687 205 Ave Dodge Center, MN.

We will plan on people picking up their tomatoes the same morning that they call unless other arrangements are made.

Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

End of 2020 SeasoN

Barry Mosier

Friday marked the end of the 2020 strawberry season. It was a fun two weeks! Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy our farm and support your local farmers. It was a pleasure to meet each of you. We look forward to seeing you and your families next year and hope to make great memories again as well as give you nutritious food to eat.

“The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad” Psalms 126:3

Last chance for 2020

Barry Mosier


We will open tomorrow (Friday) 7am to noon for U-Pick strawberries only. It is our last day of the 2020 season.

There will be no pre-picked available on the farm or in Kasson. At noon tomorrow we will close for the season as it will be too hot to pick.

Thanks to all of you for a great year! See you in 2021!



Barry Mosier

We will be open tomorrow (Thursday) at 7am for all strawberry pickers! We are closing at noon for both U-Pick and Pre-Picked berries. The details:

Pre-Picked berries will be on a first come, first served basis. There is a limited supply so the earlier the better. Feel free to call before you come to see if there are any left.

U-Pick: there are still a lot of decent sized, ripe berries in the field! Due to the heat we will open for all ages at 7am and close at noon.

There will be no Kasson stand on Thursday.

Check back for an update about Friday!