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Farm Updates

U-Pick Opening today (6/18) at 10am

Barry Mosier

Today (6/18) at 10am we will be opening for U-Pick. This morning we picked an ice cream pail of berries in 50 feet. During peak season (next week) you will be able to pick a pail in 10 feet. Please come out and enjoy the farm with your family!

Pick in our containers or bring your own 5 quart ice cream pails for a flat fee per full pail (NOTE: 5 quart ice cream pails are the only containers we will allow into the fields. Please do not bring any other containers).

Here are our COVID-19 Guidelines:
•Maintain 6 feet social distancing (masks optional)
•Families are welcome—child supervision is required. Please keep your children with you at all times.
•Hand washing is required before entering and after leaving the field.
•No sampling of berries or food consumption on the farm (per Department of Agriculture)
•Stay home if you feel sick, have a fever, or are coughing.

We also have pre-picked berries available. Express service is available also! Call ahead to order your berries to avoid lines. 507-951-9308