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Farm Updates

Strawberry Update 6/19

Barry Mosier

Today is a premium strawberry picking day on the farm! The field is full of beautiful, ripe berries. Bring your whole family out to enjoy the fresh air and pick some nutritious strawberries for jams, pies, or eat them fresh! This year will be a shorter season due to the warm weather so pack up the kids and come experience one of Minnesota’s summer traditions.

U-Pick. We are open until 6pm today for U-Pick berries. Please remember that children are welcome on the farm, but need to remain with their parents or guardians at all times.

Pre-Picked. Want your strawberries pre-picked? We’ve got you covered! Enjoy our express checkout—no lines! If you’d like to pre-order 10lbs or more please call or text April 507-951-9308.

Kasson Stand. We will open this stand on Mantorville Ave in Kasson mid-day and will close at 5pm.

See you soon!