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Farm Updates

Opening 3/4 of an Acre June 11 and 13

Barry Mosier

The long awaited moment has arrived: 3/4 of an acre of our early variety strawberries are ready. U-Pick strawberries will be available Friday and Sunday (June 11 and 13) from 7am - 12pm (reminder: we are CLOSED on Saturday to allow the farmers time to rest). We are excited to have a field full of people making summer memories! Come pick our sweet early varieties.

What you need to know:

  • Check our website or social media before you leave home to be sure we haven’t sold out of berries!! We will be posting updates often.

  • This will be a short season due to the heat. Thankfully we have irrigation so the berries are good sized and sweet!

  • Bring plenty of water for yourself! It’s going to be HOT.

  • Boxes and pails for picking will be provided.

Pre-picked strawberries will be available starting Monday, June 14. More info will be posted on our social media and website.

We are located at
60687 205th Ave
Dodge Center, MN 55927

Thank you for supporting your local farmers,
Barry & Marybeth Mosier