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Farm Updates

Asparagus + Strawberry Updates

Barry Mosier

Wednesday (6/9) will be our last day for picking asparagus. Starting that day at noon we will have tender tips available for sale on the farm. These are 3 to 7 inch asparagus, very tender and no waste for four dollars a pound while they last. They are great for putting in the freezer or fresh eating. That will be the last of the asparagus for 2021 although between now and then we will still have it available on the farm and regular lengths.

The strawberry fields are ready to be filled with visitors making summer memories!

The strawberry fields are ready to be filled with visitors making summer memories!

Mark your calendars, we will be open first thing next week (after June 13) for strawberry season. We will post as soon as we have enough berries for you to come pick so check back often!