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Farm Updates

Limited opening on wednesday

Barry Mosier

We will open again at 7 AM on Thursday for General u-pick.

Our main crop of berries (Jewel) will not be ready until Friday for lots of people to come and pick. However we are going to open tomorrow (Wednesday) for a limited picking for experienced pickers for 1 acre of our Jewel variety. A good number of the king berries are ripe, big, and beautiful. But they won’t make it until Friday when we will pick that variety.

We will to open Wednesday at 6 AM for experienced pickers (children under the age of 12 not recommended) to come and get all the ripe king berries out of the field so that they do not spoil before Friday. They are not thick in the field but you can still expect to get a good picking of the best berries of the season.

Please call or check our social media before you leave home to be sure we haven’t been picked out.