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Farm Updates

sunday, june 26

Barry Mosier

It will not be so hot today so you do not need to arrive so early to beat the heat even though we will opened at 7 AM.

We will be picking both Wendy and Jewel varieties today but will have no pre-picked berries for sale today. Unfortunately with late frost and early season heat many strawberry growers have experienced crop failure this year. We feel so blessed to have such a good crop although we have temporally reduced our acreage for strawberries compared to prior years. We will have a full 3 acres again next year.

There is an intense demand for pre-picked berries across the state this year and we are have been overwhelmed by the number of requests. We will be unable to take any more requests for pre-pick berries this year. If people can find someone to come and pick for them we will continue to offer the opportunity for people to pick in the fields until the season is completed.

We expect the season to go through the better part of this week, but it will be a short season.