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Farm Updates

Picked out — June 19

Barry Mosier

Thank you to everyone who came out this morning! We are picked out for the day and closed as of 8am.

We will post our hours for tomorrow later today (if any—it depends on how fast the field ripens).

Thank you for your support!

Strawberry Season Starts June 19!

Barry Mosier

We have an opening date!! Please read this post for details.

Although early cool weather has delayed the strawberry season significantly we are getting closer! This year we have only 2 acres of strawberries instead of our normal 3 acres. This is due to a problem with perennial weeds taking over our fields which we have solved for now. (We planted another acre this spring and will be back to 3 acres of strawberries next year). Without the weeds, our 2 acres look great and they have lots of strawberries! They are just very slow in ripening this year.

We will open our early variety field this Sunday, the 19th, Father’s Day at 7 AM (hot day-early start) for Upick only. No pre-picked yet.

This variety is loaded with berries but Sunday will be an early first picking and we will likely close early that day. So bring dad out to the field and get some fresh strawberries and fun memories!

This year it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that people call ahead or check our Facebook or website before they come to the farm as some days we will likely close early when we are picked out. Our main crop of Jewel variety is still at least one week from being ready to pick.

We look forward to seeing you on the farm.

Barry and Marybeth

Strawberries Coming Soon!

Barry Mosier

Strawberry season is almost here! Here are some important things you need to know:

  • Call (507-884-7246) or check our Facebook page before you leave home. It is likely this will be a short strawberry season with shorter picking days due to the intense heat. We don’t want you to leave home before checking to be sure there are strawberries available that day/time.

  • Gather your kids or friends. You might want to bring sunscreen or a big hat and water.

  • Make summer memories that will last a lifetime.

We could open as early as Friday or possibly Sunday. We will post updates to our website and social media as soon as we have a solid opening date.

We thank the Lord that our fields look picture perfect this year for picking. Lots of straw between the rows and the fields are quite weed free and full of ripening strawberries.

Barry and Marybeth

Asparagus Sale

Barry Mosier

Praise the Lord for a great asparagus crop this year. We want to continue to move towards selling more of our asparagus on the farm.

Today through Friday and then again Sunday (June 8-10, 12) we will have a special price for uncut asparagus straight out of the field: 20 pounds or more at $2.00 per pound.

For cut asparagus we will sell $4.00 per pound for quantities under 5 pounds. For 5 pounds or more we will lower the price to three dollars per pound on the farm.

We hope lots of people come and buy asparagus locally on the farm. Look forward to seeing you.

60687 205 Avenue
Dodge Center, MN.

Barry and Marybeth

The 2022 Asparagus Season Has Begun!

Barry Mosier

Hello friends!

Tomorrow, Friday the 13th, will be a good day. We will have fresh asparagus available on the farm for sale at four dollars per pound. It is our first picking of the season but we should have plenty.

Our address is 60687 205 Avenue Dodge Center MN. We will also have asparagus this Sunday for sale as well as through the rest of the asparagus season. REMINDER: We are closed on Saturdays.

Our 7500 strawberry plants that we just planted are looking great. Our other two acres should be blossoming soon. Everything may be slightly delayed due to the cold spring.

We look forward to a great season and look forward to seeing each of you on the farm! See you soon. Barry and Marybeth Mosier 507 884 7247 or 507 884 7246